1 min read

Running Motivation and Stress Fractures.

Watch this video for running motivation.
Running Motivation and Stress Fractures.
Photo by Christian Wiediger / Unsplash

I love watching YouTube, and Casey Neistat is legend.

Casey has always been a runner, but his channel isn't only a running YouTube channel.

His recent video is a great story on his own running journey and chasing his life goal of a sub-3 hour marathon.

If you need any motivation to run, watch this video.

Signs of a Stress Fracture

Let's talk stress fracture. It's not fun.

A stress fracture is a tiny crack of bone in the foot or ankle for runners.

Stress fractures happen when the volume of runner is significantly higher than the amount of recovery to your body.

Stress fractures could also happen if you sharply increase your weekly training load in a short amount of time.

So let's say you've been running 10 miles a week.

If you go out and run 30 miles a week the next 2-3 weeks, that would be a large increase in running volume. It's entirely possible to suffer from a stress fracture with this change.

Here are the top signs of a stress fracture:

  1. Sharp pain during and after running.
  2. Pain with rest
  3. Tender to even light touch to the bone
  4. Swelling

If you suspect a stress fracture to your foot or ankle - it's best to pause running.

And if the pain still occurs with simple walking, definitely go see an MD.

Race plans?

Warmer weather is upon us.

I'm curious, what are your racing plans for the next few months? Love to hear what you are all training for.