1 min read

Your Goal.

Running doesn't always have to be about faster race times.
Your Goal.
Photo by Cathryn Lavery / Unsplash

Hey everyone,

I'm back from a small break last week.

My brother got married, and so with family and all the related wedding festivities, I gave myself the grace to step aside from the newsletter.

Special family events are exactly that, special.

So as runners we have to plan accordingly with our training. I actually managed to get a treadmill run in, which felt oddly refreshing.

Anyways, this week I wanted to touch upon your running goals.

I want to put this out there that your running goals do not always have to be about running faster.

Here are some of the potential goals you could have as a runner outside of a faster race time:

  1. Running a certain race distance
  2. Keeping to a set running schedule (ex: running three times a week)
  3. Running a set weekly mileage (ex: 20 miles a week)
  4. Working towards losing weight
  5. Training to control blood sugar levels
  6. Running for a charity
  7. Running to meet friends or a new significant other
  8. Improving mental health
  9. Exploring a new city
  10. Trying trail running at a nearby park

As you can see there could be many reasons why you run.

Running is the medium that could help in some way accomplish any goal.

I think that's a beautiful thing.

What's neat is that even when you're working towards one specific goal, there are other improvements in your life that can happen on the side too.

If you're on the fence about running, just know that running doesn't have to be about racing.

Find your own goal, and I bet running can play a part in helping you accomplish that goal.

And if you're an experienced runner, consider changing up your running goals. Take your mind off racing for a faster time. Explore what other opportunities running can offer you too.

What other running goals, outside of racing faster, could you pursue? Let me know, I'd love to hear from you.